《健康講座》- 26_OCT_2015
香港護眼創辦人及 專業事務總監 黃偉雄 再次應《維特健靈》邀請於沙田大會堂文娱廳作健康講座。為市民解說手機/電腦藍光的潛在影響,黄斑點病變等視覺問題及分享護眼貼士。大家都知道預防勝治療,作息要有時和定期眼睛檢查。講座中,觀眾非常專注和踴躍提問。
《Health Talk 》
Jack Wong, Founder & Professional Affairs Director was invited by Vita Green as a speaker for the health talk at Sha Tin Town Hall. The topic was Macular Degeneration. The use of electronic devices and their potential blue-light hazard to our eyes and eye care tips were also discussed in details during the talk .