
《眼科資訊》(Nov2018) 最新研究發現母親懷孕期間吸煙,小孩患上斜視的機會高出 46%

New research has highlighted the eye health risks to unborn children of mothers smoking during pregnancy.
A meta-analysis of 11 studies published in Acta Ophthalmologica found that the children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy had a 46% higher risk of developing strabismus.

Mothers who smoked 10 or more cigarettes per day had a 79% higher risk of their children developing strabismus than mothers who did not smoke during pregnancy.
Senior author, Dr Zuxun Lu, of Huazhong University in China, emphasised that maternal smoking during pregnancy is an important public health problem.
“Its effect on offspring eye health deserves our attention,” Dr Lu said.
The authors highlighted that previous studies have connected strabismus with premature delivery and low birthweight.

Photo credit: Optometry Today