Orthokeratology Refractive Therapy


Ortho-K is a non-surgical refractive treatment. In order to correct your short-sightedness and astigmatism, the cornea have to be re-shaped. Our optometrists tailor your Ortho-k lenses with highly permeable lens materials according to the precise measurement by the Corneal Topographer.

The geometry of an Ortho-k lens is complex. There is a gap between the base curve of the lens and the cornea surface. Tears get in between the gap. There is fluid tension, which gradually flattens the front surface of the cornea. As the curvature of the cornea changes, the power of refraction changes accordingly. So after wearing the Ortho-k lens over the night, you can remove the lens when waking up in the next morning, your vision stays clear for the whole day without glasses or contact lenses.
Orthokeratology; Ortho-K

Theory of Myopia Control in Ortho-k

In a corrected myopic eye, the central image is focused on the retina, but the image on the peripheral side falls behind the retina, which creates a, “peripheral defocus”, on the retina. This “peripheral defocus” will be reduced or reversed because of the changes in the corneal profile during Ortho-k treatment. The result is even more significant for teenagers whose visual development is within the critical period.

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Most of the researches that have been reported by different universities show that, myopia progression decreases by wearing Ortho-k lens by around 50% if compared with wearing normal glasses instead.

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Leaflet for Orthokeratology Refractive Therapy

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