【商台 叱o宅 903】 Radio Interview (Part II) ~ EyeCareHK 「香港護眼」
眼睛是我們靈魂之窗,要放眼看世界就必先從小好好保護眼睛。這活動透過小朋友親身體驗視障人士既世界,讓小朋友明白擁有健全視力並非必然,藉此令他們更加珍惜自己寶貴的視力 。
【羊年慈善第一炮】– 幼稚園眼睛普查
眼睛感官對小朋友學習和社交發展尤其重要。所以在新一年,我們的「護眼義工隊」來到幼稚園,為400多名學生進行眼睛健康普查。當日我們的七位義工,帶同儀器到幼稚園為各學生進行視力和初步的度數檢查。發現部份小朋友的眼睛情況需要進一步跟進,當中有一小朋友視力不合格之外,初步檢查更驗出患上700 度的遠視呀!!
Where can I get the eyesight test certificate the pleasure vessels operators?
There is a visual requirement from Marine Department of Hong Kong for the pleasure vessels operators, which includes distant, intermediate & near visual acuities and color vision function.
Nowadays, Optometrists in EyeCareHK 「香港護眼」are eligible to conduct the eye examination and issue the eyesight test certificate for pleasure vessels operators. We have been issuing certificates for individuals and corporates (e.g. Star Ferry Company Limited) for a certain period of time.
For enquiry or eyesight test appointment, please call 2346 1138 or email : info@eyecarehk.com
Pressure vessels (yacht) such as: Jet type water bike, diesel type fishing boats, gasoline engine type fishing boats, Jet type speedboat, diesel type classical yacht, diesel type high-speed game speedboat etc.