四月一日起 ,環保署全面推行塑膠購買袋收費。支持環保、自備購物袋!
Starting from 1st April, Full implementation of the plastic shopping bag charging !
#plasticbagcharging #支持環保 #自備購物袋
#eyedoctor #optometrists #eyecare #contactlenses #colorcontacts #optician #lasik #orthoK #childreneyecare #refractivesurgery #colorblindness #orthokeratolgy #EyeExam #EyeCareHK #transition #OCT #visualfield #glaucoma #maculadegeneration #glasses #sunglasses
RED Hot offers for HSBC Credit Cardholders ~ 15 % off
During the Easter Holiday period ( in April ), you can enjoy a special discount of 15% off on, sunglasses, frames and lenses after comprehensive eye examination. It is about time to change a new look !!
For enquiry or appointment, please call 2345 1137 / email : info@eyecarehk.com
#HSBC #Easterholidayoffer #復活節 #滙豐信用卡最紅優惠 #眼睛檢查 #驗眼 #兒童視力 #視覺問題 #眼科檢查 #激光矯視 #角膜矯視 #視光師 #眼科視光師 #隱形眼鏡 #老花 #漸進式老花眼鏡 #變色鏡片 #全視線 #色弱 #色盲 #青光眼全面檢查 #糖尿眼檢查 #眼鏡驗配 #太陽眼鏡
【Drivers eyesight test certificate】
Does your driving license still mark a restriction code one (need corrective lenses) even if you had your lasik surgery done years ago?
While you are renewing your driving license, you can present an eyesight certificate to the Transport Department, which was issued by registered medical practitioners or optometrists, showing that you meet the visual requirement without any corrective lenses.
Optometrists in EyeCareHK「香港護眼」provide comprehensive eye examination, including pre- and post-Lasik surgery assessment, and issue eyesight test certificate for drivers and seafarers. For enquiry or appointment, please call 2346 1138; email: info@eyecarehk.com
#eyedoctor #optometrists #eyecare #contactlenses #colorcontacts #optician #lasik #orthoK #childreneyecare #refractivesurgery #colorblindness #orthokeratolgy #EyeExam #EyeCareHK #transition #OCT #visualfield #glaucoma #maculadegeneration #glasses #sunglasses
Where can I get the eyesight test certificate the pleasure vessels ( yacht ) operators?
Nowadays, Optometrists in EyeCareHK 「香港護眼」are eligible to issue the eyesight test certificate for pleasure vessels operators. We have been conducting comprehensive eye exams and issuing certificates for individuals and corporates (e.g. Star Ferry Company Limited) for a certain period of time.
For enquiry or eyesight test appointment, please call 2346 1138 or email : info@eyecarehk.com
There is a visual requirement from Marine Department of Hong Kong for the pleasure vessels operators, which includes distant, intermediate & near visual acuities and color vision function.
Pressure vessels (yacht) such as: #JetTypeWaterBike, #dieselTypeFishingBoats, #gasolineEngineTypefishingboats, #Jettypespeedboat, #dieseltypeclassicalyacht, #dieseltypehigh-speedgame #speedboat etc.