Home 最新動向 【Tomato Glassess】

【Tomato Glassess】

by Daniel Cheung

《Tomato Active 系列》針對0至12歳兒童的眼鏡。它輕巧安全。耳套和鼻托可調較、防止眼鏡下滑。 均通過歐盟醫療用品 93/42/EEC 和 ISO 12870:2004標準。信心保證 。

《Tomato Active Series》glasses are made for kids between 0 to 12 years old. It is comfortable and safe. Adjustable tips and nose pads are sp⋯⋯ecially designed to prevent falling.
According to the European Union directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device), Tomato Glasses passed all the tests describe on the norm ISO 12870:2004, Certificate of Europe, Korea Certificate & FDA approved.

【Tomato Glassess】
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