《香港護眼》獲得 2014/15《商界展關懷》標誌。以表揚我們過去對關懷社區、 關懷員工、 和關懷環境的承擔!多謝各部門的同事努力和支持 !還有,今天為Dispensing team 的好同事慶祝生日!Happy Birthday to you, Dears !
《香港護眼》獲得 2014/15《商界展關懷》標誌。以表揚我們過去對關懷社區、 關懷員工、 和關懷環境的承擔!多謝各部門的同事努力和支持 !還有,今天為Dispensing team 的好同事慶祝生日!Happy Birthday to you, Dears !
【Result Notification of the Caring Company Scheme】EYECARE HONG KONG LIMITED (EyeCareHK) are awarded the Caring Company Logo 2014/15, in recognition of the commitment in Caring for the Community, Caring for the Employees and Caring for the Environment over the past years.
We are delighted to achieve this goal, which was set one year ago. Thank you very much for all the efforts of our entire staff.Besides, we are celebrating our colleague’s birthday today. Cheers ! .
We are delighted to achieve this goal, which was set one year ago. Thank you very much for all the efforts of our entire staff.Besides, we are celebrating our colleague’s birthday today. Cheers ! .

#CaringCompanyscheme #商界展關懷 #EyeCareHK #香港護眼
#眼睛檢查 #驗眼 #兒童視力 #視覺問題 #眼科檢查 #激光矯視 #角膜矯視 #視光師 #眼科視光師 #隱形眼鏡 #老花 #漸進式老花眼鏡 #變色鏡片 #全視線 #色弱 #色盲 #青光眼全面檢查 #糖尿眼檢查 #眼鏡驗配 #太陽眼鏡
#eyedoctor #optometrists #eyecare #contactlenses #colorcontacts #optician #lasik #orthoK #childreneyecare #refractivesurgery #colorblindness #orthokeratolgy #EyeExam #EyeCareHK #transition #OCT #visualfield #glaucoma #maculadegeneration #glasses #sunglasses