「香港護眼」有幸應邀請為社署同事作眼睛健康講座和檢查, 喜獲同事歡迎和踴躍發問。藉此多謝黃姑娘的悉心安排。
Eye care talk & eye health check for the staff of Social Welfare Department on 5 Nov 2015 .
《健康講座》- 26_OCT_2015
香港護眼創辦人及 專業事務總監 黃偉雄 再次應《維特健靈》邀請於沙田大會堂文娱廳作健康講座。為市民解說手機/電腦藍光的潛在影響,黄斑點病變等視覺問題及分享護眼貼士。大家都知道預防勝治療,作息要有時和定期眼睛檢查。講座中,觀眾非常專注和踴躍提問。
《Health Talk 》
Jack Wong, Founder & Professional Affairs Director was invited by Vita Green as a speaker for the health talk at Sha Tin Town Hall. The topic was Macular Degeneration. The use of electronic devices and their potential blue-light hazard to our eyes and eye care tips were also discussed in details during the talk .
《交流》非常高興昨天早上與一班外國準 eye doctors 分享香港的眼科護理水平。他們來自 the Centro Escolar University , Doctor of Optometry program。榮幸他們選擇了《香港護眼》為第一個到訪的地方。
《ODs exchange》A group of overseas intern eye doctors are visiting us. They are from the Doctor of Optometry (OD) program of the Centro Escolar University.
It is our pleasure to be the first eye care practice that they are visiting in their trip. Sharing about the standard of eye care services in Kong Kong.
Welcome to EyeCareHK! Thank you for coming Drs. !
【註冊財務策劃師協會 ~ 專業進修教育】
10 月13 日 「香港護眼」應邀為《註冊財務策劃師協會》專業進修教育講課 。
It is our pleasure to be invited by the Society of Registered Financial Planners to provide semnier for their members on 13 Oct。
Thank you Stephen Ho (Registrar and Councillor of HKRFP) & Koey Tong ( Administrative officer of HKRFP ) for the invitation and arrangement.