你已經做了激光矯視手術,但駕駛執照上依然寫上限制事項 #1「佩戴適當眼鏡」嗎? 想刪除這個駕駛限制嗎?
如果您的駕駛執照已經夠期需要續領,而你在這段期間已成功進行了激光矯視手術(LASIK)矯正視力,您可以在續領時帶同由註冊醫生或眼科視光師發出的視力證明書,証實符合運輸署的駕駛執照視力要求,您就可以在續領新的駕駛執照上刪除「須戴眼鏡或矯正視力鏡片」的駕駛限制 !
「香港護眼」的眼科視光師提供全面眼睛及視覺檢查(包括矯視手術前或後的眼睛視覺評估檢查等) , 並可為駕駛者 (司機) 簽發視力證明書。我們為個人和機構簽署合格證明書已一段時間了。有需要的朋友,請預約檢查 : 電話2346 1138/ Email: info@eyecarehk.com
【Drivers eyesight test certificate】
Does your driving license still mark a restriction code one (need corrective lenses) even if you had your lasik surgery done years ago?
While you are renewing your driving license, you can present an eyesight certificate to the Transport Department, which was issued by registered medical practitioners or optometrists, showing that you meet the visual requirement without any corrective lenses.
Optometrists in EyeCareHK「香港護眼」provide comprehensive eye examination, including pre- and post-Lasik surgery assessment, and issue eyesight test certificate for drivers and seafarers. For enquiry or appointment, please call 2346 1138; email: info@eyecarehk.com