Home 最新動向 【視力測驗證明書】


by Daniel Cheung



遊 樂 船 隻 二 級 操 作 人 證 明 書 持 有人可掌管總長度不超過15 米而在香港水域內操作的遊樂船隻。

「海事處」對遊樂船隻(遊艇)操作人的視力及色覺有一定的要求,當中包括遠距視力 (不論是否需用助視鏡),近距視力,中距視力及色覺等等。

: 電話2346 1138/ Email: info@eyecarehk.com.

遊樂船隻 (遊艇) 類別如﹕噴射式水上電單車, 船內汽油機式滑水快艇, 船外汽油機式滑水快艇,  船內柴油機式釣魚艇, 船外汽油機式釣魚艇, 噴射式快艇,
船內柴油機式遊樂艇, 船外柴油機式遊樂艇, 船外汽油機式小艇, 船內柴油機式古典遊艇, 船內柴油機式高速比賽快艇, 船外汽油機式帆船, 小型風力帆船,
船內柴油機式大型遊樂船, 15米以上船內柴油機式帆船等等。

Where can I get the eyesight test certificate the pleasure vessels operators?

There is a visual requirement from Marine Department of Hong Kong for the pleasure vessels operators, which includes distant, intermediate & near visual acuities and color vision function.

Nowadays, Optometrists in EyeCareHK 「香港護眼」are eligible to conduct the eye examination and issue the eyesight test certificate for pleasure vessels operators. We have been issuing certificates for individuals and corporates (e.g. Star Ferry Company Limited) for a certain period of time.

For enquiry or eyesight test appointment, please call 2346 1138 or email : info@eyecarehk.com

Pressure vessels (yacht) such as: Jet type water bike, diesel type fishing boats, gasoline engine type fishing boats, Jet type speedboat, diesel type classical yacht, diesel type high-speed game speedboat etc.








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