船員/船長(海員) 視力測驗證明書去邊度簽?遊樂船隻/本地船隻操作人視力測驗去那處做呢?
船員和船長(海員) 的視力要達到一定的標準,當中包括遠距視力 (不論是否需用助視鏡),兩眼一起測試的近距視力,中距視力及色覺等,當然要有正常的視野和沒有複視的情況。有黑暗中執行職能時有無損其表現的視力等等。,「香港護眼」已為個人和機構(如:天星小輪有限公司),簽署合格證明書多時。有需要的朋友,請預約檢查。電話2346 1138。
Where can I do the eyesight test for the pleasure vessels/local vessels operators?
Where can I get the eyesight test certificate for the seafarers?
Nowadays, Optometrists in EyeCareHK will perform the eyesight test for seafarers. We are eligible to conduct the eye examination and issue the eyesight test certificate for individuals and corporates (e.g. Star Ferry Company Limited). For enquiry or eyesight test appointment, please call 2346 1138.